Location: Ljubljana, SI
Category: Residential
Area: 90 m2
Year: 2020
Client: Privat
Status: Under construction
Tjaša Plavec, m.i.a.
Matic Mohar, m.i.a.
Katja Orehek, štud. arh.
Urška Uršič, štud. arh.
Dvojček iz 60ih let je bil potreben prenove tako od zunaj kot tudi od znotraj. Svojo polovico so sosedje pred kratkim posodobili in na ta način vzpodbudili tudi stranko, da s svežim izgledom poenoti hišo.
The family of four opted for a modern interpretation of the existing elements, which in combination with the adjacent part of the twin act complementary. Materially, they liked the combination of beige shades and warm wood the most.
We designed the ground floor as a single, continuous, multi-purpose space, the heart of which is a centrally placed fireplace. With its design, it connects the kitchen, dining room, and living room and creates an ambiance of homeliness. We achieved a unified space by breaking through the wall and removing unnecessary doors. These appear in the glass only as windbreaks and do not restrict the views of the flow of space.
Since they liked the presence of wood outside, we decided to continue with it as much as possible when designing the interior on the ground floor. Thus, in the dining room and living room, two walls are covered in wood, where more intimate resting places with bookshelves can be found. As a counterbalance to warm wood, the wall is also treated with rough concrete during the day, which neutralizes the space with cold.
Since the stairs are located directly at the entrance to the house, we decided on two completely different approaches to spatial resolution. In the first, we took into account the maximum openness of the space and continued this concept through the stairs towards the floor. In the second version, the floor is perceived as an intimate space that needs to be protected from the immediate vicinity of the front door, so we closed the stair shoulders.