Big-ger Office
Location: Selnica ob Dravi, SI
Category: Office space
Area: 30 m2
Year of implementation: 2021
Client: Privat
Status: In use
Tjaša Plavec, m.i.a.
Matic Mohar, m.i.a.
Urška Uršič, abs. arh.
The project task for the preparation of the conceptual design of the office space included specific instructions and requirements for performing a variety of remote entrepreneurial work, with the full technical support of a professionally perfect office.
The uniquely designed furniture architecture has adapted to the user’s already existing color palettes, while at the same time stylishly rounding off the space into a modern and personalized office.
Replacing installations and introducing electric underfloor heating below the level of the new final room pressure allows it to create a pleasant climate in a functional, modern and comprehensively designed working environment.