“Atelier Abroad (AAb) was founded with a deeply rooted desire to create value.
Our mission is to create architecture that enriches life.
And our aim is do so with proficient hands and skilled minds.”
-AAb team
Our Team
LA Tjaša Mohar Plavec, M.Arch.
Matic Mohar, M.Arch.
Katja Orehek, abs. arch.
Urška Uršič, M.Arch.
Katarina Lampič, abs. arch.
Andraž Lovšin, stud. arch
During Tjaša’s time as a Senior Architect at SOU FUJIMOTO Architects, she and Matic met a group of some of the most capable, talented, and aspiring architects.
Nadir Omibiri, currently a Team Leader at SOU FUJIMOTO Architects, and his passion towards the un-tanglement of the strings of life that ultimately define the fibers of any great work is surpassed only by his technical expertise and master level computer skills that enable him to bring to life architecture with meaning, for the people, of all times and ages.
Natasya Handajuwana, a Master of Arts, currently a Senior Designer at SOU FUJIMOTO Architects, is a force for good in the field for strong and successful female architects. Inspired by her pure love for design is her research of the delicate layers of beauty through all forms of art and life, which fuels her attention to detail and ultimately brings her professional skills to a true master level. Natasya/s spirit and her search for the perfect expression envelops every architectural piece she touches.
Ziwei Zhu, currently a Senior Architect at SOU FUJIMOTO Architects, embodies a refined skillset which he shares with some of the greatest names of architecture. His methodological mind that studies life reacts to found answers with a masterful precision that builds a piece of architecture that is both advanced and forward thing as well as deeply rooted within the foundations on society, human relations, spirituality, and the word habitat. Intuitive, intricate, and uniquely global.
Kim Seung-tak, currently enrolled in the Master of Arts program, at HARVARD University, is one of the most resourceful people one might have the privilege to work with. His strive to accomplishing any mission he sets his foot on and his extraordinary problem-solving skills are virtually unmatched. Truly a person to turn to in search of expansion and growth.
Together they form an international team of collaborating architects where each time they join forces they create an architectural piece that is both profoundly yours and globally sound.
Kim Seung-tak, B.A.
Natasya Handajuwana, M.A.
Nadir Ombiri, M.Arch.
Ziwei Zhu, B.A.
Pri AAb smo vam na voljo za sodelovanje in nudenje pomoči pri vseh fazah novogradnje, prenove, rekonstrukcije in notranjega oblikovanja.